Low Cost & Regional

easyJet 2070: The Future of Travel report

photo_camera ### Strictly Embargoed Until 00:01 on 24/03/2023 ### *** FREE FOR EDITORIAL USE *** EDITORIAL USE ONLY Four predictions from easyJet’s Future Travel Report have been brought to life in detailed renders showing how travel could look in 2070.Ergonomic plane seats will adapt for our comfort with in-flight entertainment beamed directly in front of our eyes.

3D printed buffet food, heartbeat passports and time travelling holiday experiences; a new report reveals the predictions for how we will travel and enjoy our holidays in 50 years’ time.

The ground-breaking report, commissioned by airline easyJet, forecasts innovations in airport journeys, air travel, accommodation, and holiday experiences.

The easyJet 2070: The Future Travel Report was authored by a group of leading academics and futurists, including Professor Birgitte Andersen of Birkbeck, University of London and CEO of Big Innovation Centre; Dr Melissa Sterry, design scientist and complex systems theorist; and renowned futurists Shivvy Jervis and Dr Patrick Dixon, as well as Director of Transport Systems at Cranfield University, Professor Graham Braithwaite and  Nikhil Sachdeva, Principal for aerospace and defence and sustainable aviation at consultancy Roland Berger.

easyJet 2070: The Future Travel Report highlights include:

The airport journey and air travel experience will be revolutionised by technological advances:

  • Heartbeat and biometric passports will replace the traditional passport, for passengers to breeze through their airport. Much like fingerprints and the retina, every person’s cardiac signature is unique. Passengers’ heartbeat signatures and biometric details will be logged on a global system in the same way finger-print scanning technology works today.

  • Ergonomic and biomimetic sensory plane seats will become the norm, with smart materials adapting to passengers’ body shape, height, weight, and temperature, providing the ultimate tailored comfort flying experience

  • Inflight entertainment will be beamed directly in front of passenger’s eyes, via optoelectronic devices, replacing the need for onboard screens or downloading movies before you fly

  • e-VTOL air taxis will do away with the airport car park shuttle – the journey to the airport will be quicker and more convenient than ever before with 85% of passengers arriving by e-VTOLs from their homes to the terminal.

As technology advances, we will see significant advances in the accommodation experience abroad:

  • 3D printed hotel buffet food will allow holidaymakers to 3D print whatever they want to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, while reducing food waste.

  • Subterranean hotels built into the fabric of the earth that are super energy efficient and at one with the environment

  • All hotel rooms will be smart rooms with beds already pre-made to exactly desired firmness, ambient temperatures and favourite music playing based upon preferences you select in advance of booking the holiday

  • A holographic personal holiday concierge will accompany holidaymakers to provide up to date destination information and assistance throughout their stay

  • 3D printed, recyclable holiday clothes on arrival at the hotel will remove the need for suitcases and fast holiday fashion as travellers can print the clothes required in their hotel rooms, tailored to their perfect fit and style, and recycle the materials for the next guest to enjoy.

  • Human powered hotels which harvest energy from its guests’ footsteps in order to generate power

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