MRO Management

Coronavirus: MTU Aero Engines shuts German operations

MTU Aero engines, coronavirus

MTU Aero Engines is shutting down some of its operations at selected sites in response to the global fight against the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

The temporary closure will affect a large proportion of the business affecting several sites in Europe. The first to close will be MTU’s manufacturing facilities in Munich, Germany, and Rzeszów in Poland, where engines are assembled, or engine components manufactured.

Activities will be ramped down by the end of the week in a coordinated approach. Operations are expected to be suspended for three weeks from Monday 30 March.

A week later, the company will suspend operations at its engine maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) facilities in Hannover and Ludwigsfelde, near Berlin.

By deferring this slightly, the company will be able to complete shop visits and ensure an organised start to the suspension.

Operations at these facilities are expected to be reduced to an absolute minimum for three weeks, the company will remain available to its customers.

“MTU is known for reliability. These measures will be closely coordinated with our customers and partners, as is customary for the intense international cooperation within the aviation industry,” said CEO Reiner Winkler.

“We have been calm, united and resolute while withstanding the first phase of this crisis. In the coming phase and during the ramping back up of facilities, we will rely on the ability and extensive experience of our employees.”

In the areas that are required to stay operational, MTU said it has enforced measures to protect its employees from infection.

Germany company Lufthansa Technik has also warned of the “massive” impact the coronavirus outbreak will undoubtedly have on the maintenance industry.

“The maintenance industry is already suffering from the decline in air traffic,” commented chairman of the executive board, Johannes Bussmann.

“The full extent will hit us with a delay, which means a forecast is currently not possible, but first impacts are massive. We have prepared ourselves with a very comprehensive package of measures.”

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