MRO Management

Swiss AviationSoftware chosen by Bees Airline to implement MRO software

Ukrainian start-up Bees Airline has selected Swiss AviationSoftware’s AMOS MRO software solution.

AMOS is a fully-integrated solution that enables customers to manage their maintenance, engineering and logistics needs and ensure compliance with aviation regulations, and features eight core modules.

Bees Airline, which is set to begin operations in early 2021, will implement AMOS as it comes without any customer-specific software changes.

Swiss AviationSoftware noted that the users of AMOS at Bees Airline already know the system well. The two aircraft in the airline’s fleet were already managed in AMOS. “Therefore, an AMOS-to-AMOS data transfer is required, which proceeds smoothly due to the AMOS standard transfer programs being available,” Swiss AviationSoftware said.

“This, combined with the extensive and up-to-date AMOS knowledge of the users, leads to the expectation that Bees Airline will go live with the AMOS airline edition in the shortest possible time.”

Swiss AviationSoftware’s CEO Ronald Schaeuffele Scherer commented: “Happy customers are key to us and their word-of-mouth marketing is invaluable. Welcoming AMOS users back into the community since they opted for AMOS again in a new business context makes us very proud.”

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