Aviation Business News

MRO Management December/January 2022 Digital Issue

MRO Management Dec-Jan 22

As we approach the end of another year, it is a time to both reflect on the previous 12 months and focus on those ahead. Did 2021 go as the MRO industry hoped, given the conditions? And what will 2022 – and beyond – look like? Those are some of the questions we asked a selection of industry players for our cover story, which provides a global outlook for the year ahead. We canvassed the views of 12 MRO houses, manufacturers, service providers and analysts for this special report to assess their general mood, feelings about the MRO recovery, strategies for the year ahead, and the technologies that will enable them to increase efficiency.

A general feeling of cautious optimism prevails, but also a recognition of the impact the Covid-19 crisis could still have on the sector, and aviation in general. Indeed, as we were putting the finishing touches to this issue the emergence of the Omicron variant threatened to throw out all forecasts for 2022. Although still being studied, if early indications prove correct then, while it may spread more easily, the symptoms are milder, so there may be less reason to panic about the more important statistics of hospitalisations and deaths.

Only time will tell how governments, and people, will react.

No matter what happens, the MRO industry has proved itself to be resilient and innovative, and that will not change in 2022. As two of our commentators note in the MRO global outlook, based on their experiences at recent trade shows and other conversations they have had, the industry is “hungry to drive out of the current situation” and has “a very positive vibe and energy” right now.

Elsewhere in the issue, we get some expert advice on how to perfect spare parts inventory management and put the spotlight on regional airliner MRO. We also present our regular array of interviews, news analysis and thought leadership articles. Our ‘Industry voices’ section, for example, features fascinating insights on different aspects of the industry – Pratt & Whitney on technological advancements; Fokker Services on supporting complex power generation components; and EirTrade Aviation on aircraft disassembly and recycling.

I hope you find the MRO global outlook special report
useful, and enjoy the varied content on offer in this issue. The team at MRO Management would like to wish you a joyous festive season and we will see you in the new year.

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