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Top Table Interview: Optimising MRO decision making

Dinakara Nagalla chief executive officer EmpowerMX
photo_camera Dinakara Nagalla, chief executive officer, EmpowerMX

Cloud-based aircraft maintenance software company EmpowerMX has announced the launch of EMX Vision, an AI-based module. Dinakara Nagalla, chief executive of EmpowerMX, has answered some questions we had about the new software.

What is EMX Vision and how does it utilise AI and predictive modelling to benefit MRO organisations?

EMX Vision is a revolutionary tool developed by EmpowerMX, designed to transform MRO operations with the application of AI and predictive modelling. The driving force behind it is a robust machine learning base that utilises large volumes of both internal and external data.

By deploying this new module, EMX Vision draws from historical data, real-time task flows, milestones and OEM data to predict labour requirements, material probabilities, defects and turn-around time (TAT) with an impressive degree of precision. This data is then used to help MRO organisations, regardless of size, to plan and act more effectively.

This solution signifies a significant technological leap forward, as it provides a faster and more accurate way to not only estimate costs but to also optimise nearly every aspect of MRO operations. By offering the potential to reduce costs, increase efficiency and boost productivity, EMX Vision ensures that MRO organisations have the competitive edge they need to thrive in today’s challenging marketplace.

What advantages does EMX Vision offer to MRO clients in terms of Request for Proposals (RFPs), Request for Quotations (RFQs), and Quoting processes?

EMX Vision acts as a powerful mechanism for MRO clients to secure a competitive advantage. Leveraging AI and machine learning, EMX Vision accurately forecasts a range of key operational dimensions far more advanced than traditional commercial analysis.

These include labour costs, material needs, defect probabilities and turn-around times, providing MRO clients with robust and precise estimations, thereby increasing the level of accuracy, ultimately leading to a greater success. In the end, organisations are better prepared to propose more precise and competitive quotes, thanks to the precision data provided by our systems.

In addition to front end predictions, EMX Vision aids MRO organisations in effectively allocating resources, contributing to more efficient cost management. By reducing estimation errors and facilitating enhanced resource allocation, EMX Vision boosts operational efficiency, magnifies competitiveness and enables MRO organisations to improve profitability while maintaining, or in many cases, reducing operational costs, ensuring that the contracts that are won are also executed as effectively as possible.

How does EMX Vision help to address check completion time forecasting, and what are its implications for MRO operations?

Through its use of AI and machine learning, EMX Vision can accurately predict the likely completion time of checks, reducing the uncertainty that often accompanies maintenance work. By using a broad range of data, including historical records of similar checks, current workload, resources, and even external factors like OEM data, EMX Vision creates a highly precise forecast. This not only helps in planning resources more effectively but also supports in streamlining operations, which is crucial to maintaining schedule adherence and customer expectation.

The implications for MRO operations are enormous. Uncertainty and inaccuracy in check completion times can lead to costly delays, inefficient utilisation of resources and erosion of customer trust. With EMX Vision’s reliable forecasting, MRO organisations can optimise operational efficiency, deliver services in a timely manner, improve customer satisfaction and loyalty and, ultimately, increase profit margins while minimising the risk of unintended operational costs.

What can you tell us about the additional AI-based impacts that EMX Vision plans to introduce in key areas of MRO operations?

EMX Vision’s AI-based scope doesn’t stop with planning and forecasting. The solution is geared to unleash further benefits through added use cases within MRO operations in the near future, such as additional data access with integrations and floor level support functions.

Upcoming advancements will impact material management, procurement and aligned processes, including tooling, ground support equipment and need-by-dates planning. Our AI-based recommendation engine will forecast requirements with precision, thereby removing exorbitant costs and inefficiencies related to inventory mismanagement, over-storage or lack of timely procurement.

Moreover, EMX Vision is working towards enhancing workforce distribution. By harnessing algorithmic staffing adjustment recommendations, skill-based crew building and task assignments, we aim to optimise workforce distribution and task assignments. This approach will likely lead to substantial increases in productivity and reductions in span times.

We’re also looking towards introducing an intuitive interface for seamless access to mission-critical information. This expansion of AI-based impacts will further drive precision, efficiency and highly informed decision-making, leading to overall workflow enhancement in an industry that’s ever growing.

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EMX Vision aids MRO organisations in effectively allocating resources
EMX Vision aids MRO organisations in effectively allocating resources
What information gaps in MRO operations does EMX Vision aim to bridge, and how will it achieve this?

EMX Vision primarily seeks to bridge several critical information gaps in the MRO industry related to materials, workforce planning, real-time execution and customer data. Many MRO organisations have limited access to comprehensive, real-time data that is intelligently prepared and delivered, leading to inefficiencies and reduced productivity.

To address this, EMX Vision’s AI‑driven approach leverages vast amounts of current and historical data to paint a precise picture of operations at any given time. For instance, it uses the data to forecast crucial aspects of MRO operations like labour requirements, material probabilities, defect probabilities and turn-around time. This offers MRO organisations a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of their reality on the ground.

EMX Vision also uses the derived insights to make recommendations in terms of workforce planning and real-time task allocation, enabling MRO organisations to utilise their resources more effectively. Simply put, by leveraging advanced AI techniques, EMX Vision aims to provide MRO organisations with valuable insights that can enable them to drive operational efficiency, reduce costs and improve client deliverables.

Why do you think it is important that MRO organisations have access to modern material management and procurement processes?

Access to modern material management and procurement processes is absolutely vital for MRO organisations. Given that materials represent a significant portion of an organisation’s MRO costs, it’s critically important to optimise material planning, procurement and storage.

Traditional labour-intensive practices for managing and tracking materials can often lead to mistakes, inefficiencies and high inventory carrying costs. In contrast, EMX Vision empowers MRO organisations with an AI-driven approach to material management. This includes forecasting material needs, planning procurement in alignment with need-by-dates, and managing aspects such as storage locations and shipping.

By leveraging AI and machine learning, EMX Vision can predict material requirements based on work schedules and historical data, allowing for much more accurate and efficient planning and procurement. This minimises the chance of costly shortages or overstocks and ensures optimal inventory levels.

The end result is a dramatic reduction in inventory carrying costs, wasted materials and productivity losses, leading to enhanced operational efficiency and profitability. This makes modern material management and procurement systems an essential investment for any forward-thinking MRO organisation.

What specific features does EMX Vision offer regarding the optimisation of workforce distribution and tasks?

EMX Vision is designed to significantly improve the distribution of workforce and allocation of tasks within MRO operations. By adopting an advanced AI algorithm, it delivers real-time staffing adjustment recommendations, skill-based crew building and intelligent task assignments.

Its ability to offer real-time insights into workforce distribution and task allocation significantly reduces span times and maximises productivity. It also caters specifically to specialties in the teams, ensuring that tasks are assigned to the correct skills and qualifications, thereby improving efficiency and productivity while reducing errors.

EMX Vision, by acting as a diligent overseer, can identify peak workloads and redistribute resources in real-time. This intelligent shifting of resources ensures that timeline adherence is maintained, promoting a fluid and efficient workflow through the completion of maintenance tasks and reducing overall costs.

What are the long-term goals and ambitions for EMX Vision?

EMX Vision is set to revolutionise aviation maintenance practices globally. We aim to fully leverage machine learning and predictive modelling, transforming them into powerful instruments for MRO operations.

Our goal is to evolve EMX Vision into a comprehensive tool that optimises decision making by preparing and presenting the right information at the best times. We foresee a profound step change with EMX Vision.

Looking ahead, we are committed to continually refining its capabilities to meet emerging needs and challenges in the aviation maintenance industry.

This advertorial feature was first published in MRO Management – October 2023. To read the magazine in full, click here.

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