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London City honours winners of Women in Aviation zero-emissions challenge

London City Airport has honoured a group of local students that take part in and won a zero-emission flights challenge.

The competition was run as part of the regional airport’s Women in Aviation initiative, a three-month education programme that has involved 300 young women from 10 schools.

A panel of judges comprised of industry experts awarded the winning group with vouchers and a special airside tour of the airport to showcase its state-of-the-art digital air traffic control tower and new generation aircraft.

The group, from Sydenham School, won having showcased innovative ideas and solutions on how to make the airport zero emission both landside and airside.

The airport said the students demonstrated “excellent knowledge” of how aircraft can be made sustainable by using hydrogen fuel and sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs), as well as through changing the material of the aircraft.

The students were joined by role models from across the industry who gave careers talks, including Wilma Allan chief financial officer at London City Airport, Baroness Ruby McGregor-Smith, chair of the Airport Operators Association, and Christine Smith, senior first officer of BA’s CityFlyer.

Allan, said: “We’re delighted with the interest and passion that the students have shown in understanding the airport and the steps they can take to help us achieve net zero.

“Our airport thrives on the local community, and 71 per cent of staff employed on-site come from within five miles of the airport – a number we are committed to increasing as we welcome back more planes and passengers.”

The aim of the Women in Aviation is to showcase how Science Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) can provide solutions to the challenges facing the aviation industry, and to encourage and provide more opportunities for young women to seek careers in the sector.

Delivered by 15billionebp, it is part of the airport’s wider programme to create a better gender balance across the business and show how the sector offers an attractive career path for young women, including those from BAME communities.

Baroness McGregor-Smith said: “Programmes such as these are vital for raising awareness of careers in the aviation industry among young women, who might not otherwise have sight of the opportunities available to them.”

Smith added: “Working as a pilot is an incredibly rewarding job and it was a pleasure to speak to so many bright local students about the skills needed to pursue it as a career.”

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