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Avianca migrates aircraft maintenance software to Swiss-AS solution

Latin American airline Avianca has completed the migration of its aircraft maintenance software, AMOS, from an on-premises setup to a cloud-based solution hosted on Google Cloud by Swiss-AS.
photo_camera Credit: Markus Mainka/Adobe Stock

Latin American airline Avianca has completed the migration of its aircraft maintenance software, AMOS, from an on-premises setup to a cloud-based solution hosted on Google Cloud by Swiss-AS.

The transition to AMOScloud represents a leap in Avianca’s digital transformation journey and significantly reduces infrastructure costs, providing Avianca with more financial flexibility and efficiency.

Furthermore, the cloud-hosting functionality allows the airline to effortlessly scale AMOS usage according to its evolving requirements.

The migration activity was carried out with no disruption for the approximately 500 concurrent users, demonstrating the non-impactful nature of this digital transition.

The project spanned seven months and included stages such as database and web drive migration, report cleansing and migration, custom SQL conversion, and integration with various systems such as LIDO, NetLine, SAP, Modula, MS Azure, Skywise, and Aviatar.

The overall scope encompassed a database, over 300 customised reports, and numerous SQL migrations from Oracle to PostgreSQL.

In a press release, Avianca stated: “In 2022, Avianca started its ‘Journey to Cloud’ project, investing significant effort and resources on migrating all its applications to the cloud.

“AMOS, our core maintenance application, and whose infrastructure was on premise, also migrated to the Google cloud in 2023, in a joint collaboration with Swiss-AS.

“The migration was successful and almost imperceptible to end users.

“For Avianca, having a partner like Swiss-AS in this process has been very valuable, making the migration of AMOS to the cloud a transition without critical operational impact and with effective and dedicated support during stabilisation.”

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