MRO Management

Swiss-AS implements its AMOS software at HK Express

AMOS HK Express

Hong-Kong based airline HK Express has signed a deal with Swiss AviationSoftware (Swiss-AS) to implement its ‘AMOS Airline Edition’ software.

AMOS will enable HK Express to manage the maintenance activities of its 24 A320, A320neo and A321 types.

The airline has also subscribed to the ‘AMOS Cloud Hosting Solution’, which offers cloud and operational services.

Despite the challenges brought about by the pandemic, HK Express went live with AMOS 10 months after project launch and within the defined timeline. This required the use of remote consulting, training and operational support services to keep the project up to speed and with no interruptions, Swiss-AS said.

In accordance with a mandatory requirement from the Hong Kong Civil Aviation Authority, HK Express ran a parallel between AMOS and the previously used legacy system for the first month of use. Final approval of AMOS data and processes was granted on 18 December 2020.

“From the selection process, the HK Express team showed a tremendous commitment and professionalism,” said Pierluigi Calù, head of Swiss-AS’ AMOS APAC outstation, which is located in Singapore. “The extremely tight implementation timeline required even closer cooperation, and both companies worked as a single team.

“HK Express was the first AMOS customer to receive our ‘virtual instructor lead training’ and our first Asian airline to have a 100 per cent remote go-live support from Singapore. With the forecasted fleet growth of more than 30 additional aircraft, welcoming HK Express to the AMOS community will strengthen AMOS’ position in Hong Kong and East Asia. We are excited to help another successful airline in achieving its challenging growth plans.”

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